Psychology in college sport: study of mental load and psychological skills in high performance sport


  • Juan Camilo Martínez Fernández Universidad Icesi, Cali
  • Juan Alejandro Pérez Quintero Universidad Icesi, Cali



mental load, Sport, High performance, Psychological ability, Sports psychology


The present investigation has the purpose to expose the levels of mental load and
of different psychological abilities related to the athletic performance in athletes of high
performance of the Icesi University of Santiago de Cali (Colombia). A non-experimental
cross-sectional investigation was carried out in which the NASA-TLX and CPRD
questionnaires were applied to 39 athletes (24 men and 15 women), between the ages of 18
and 24 years old. The results of the NASA-TLX gave evidence of a high level of mental
load in the subjects, which suggests that the academic as well as the sporting demand of the
university is taking the university athletes to dangerous levels of mental effort. On the other
hand, the scores obtained after the application of CPRD show that there is evidence of
significant differences in motivation between individual and joint sports, which may have
cause in the ways in which athletes relate to each other. These results suggest the relevance
of the participation of psychology in the sports environment to achieve an integral training,
in which those differences are considered and thus build an optimal environment for good
personal, emotional and, clearly, sports development.


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Author Biographies

  • Juan Camilo Martínez Fernández, Universidad Icesi, Cali
  • Juan Alejandro Pérez Quintero, Universidad Icesi, Cali
    Estudiante de Psicología


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How to Cite

Psychology in college sport: study of mental load and psychological skills in high performance sport. (2018). Trans-Pasando Fronteras, (11).