Ethics Policy

Revista CS aims at continuously improving its processes of reception, revision, editing, and publication of scientific papers. In doing so, Revista CS follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) recommendations to avoid bad editing practices, adopt agile correction and retraction procedures, and guarantee readers that the published articles meet the quality criteria established by the journal.

The following are considered as bad practices and are grounds for rejection of manuscripts in any stage of the publication process:

  1. Redundant publication
  2. Plagiarism
  3. Falsification of data (pictures, statistics, graphics, etc.)
  4. Falsification of information (affiliation of the authors, signatures, etc.)
  5. Impersonation and falsification of authorship
  6. Misuse of AI tools

On Authorship

Authorship is limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of studies. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as authors in a specific order, which will be determined collaboratively and before submission to the journal.

Persons who have not participated in certain substantive aspects of the manuscript and research may be acknowledged or listed as contributors in the Acknowledgments section but may not be defined as authors.

The corresponding author must first ensure that all co-authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript and have agreed to submit it for publication in Revista CS.

Second, the corresponding author must send the filled assignment of rights, explicitly stating that the signatories assume responsibility for all aspects of the paper, ensuring that questions regarding the accuracy or completeness of any part of the paper will be appropriately investigated and resolved. The corresponding author must also include sufficient and correct information related to the submission.

Revista CS has implemented the CReDIT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) to accurately and transparently acknowledge individual author contributions in the creation of an article (conceptualization, methodology, data analysis, manuscript writing, critical revision, and more.) This improves transparency and gives due recognition to each author for his or her specific contribution. (You can download the form for the declaration of authorship and copyright assignment here.)

Generative AI tools should not be listed as authors in the articles. Authors should be transparent in their use of generative AI and declare their use in the parts of the research conducted. The final responsibility for editing an article rests with the human authors and editors. 

For post-publication changes related to authorship or inclusion of new authors, the journal will follow the protocols established by the COPE here and here

Duties and Responsibilities of Authors

  • To guarantee the originality and unedited nature of the manuscripts submitted to the journal. It is the authors’ duty to give credit to all the sources used for the production of their works.
  • To send their manuscripts through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform by following this link: Submit your manuscript
  • To consult and strictly follow the guide for authors before submitting manuscripts: Guide for Authors
  • To request authorizations for the use, reproduction, and printing of materials that are neither their property nor their authorship (charts, graphics, maps, diagrams, pictures, etc.).
  • To propose only original and unedited manuscripts that are neither simultaneously at evaluation processes in other journals nor have acquired editorial commitments.
  • To declare the funding sources of their research as well as any conflict of interest.
  • To declare the authorship functions of their research (only those persons who have contributed significantly to the research should be listed as authors).
  • To carry out retractions or corrections of errors whenever necessary.
  • To provide the full list of the references cited or mentioned in their manuscript.
  • To present the guarantee of the ethical committee of the research and the informed consents of the subjects participating in the research.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Editor

  • To provide clear and timely information about the journal and the editorial process to authors, readers, and evaluators.
  • To decide on final acceptance or rejection of a manuscript based only on its quality, originality, pertinence, and relevance.
  • To ensure the quality of articles and documents published in the journal.
  • To answer diligently complains and retraction, correction, and clarification requests.
  • To publish promptly corrections, clarifications, and retractions, whenever necessary.
  • To guarantee an unbiased and anonymous evaluation process of the manuscripts submitted to the journal.
  • To identify and state possible conflicts of interest among the editor, editorial team, authors, and evaluators.
  • To refrain from using the content of the manuscripts submitted to the journal for their own benefit or for third parties.
  • To ensure that all research has been approved by an ethics committee. Nevertheless, approval from an institutional committee does not exempt the Editor from considering on their own if the research meets the ethical parameters.
  • To protect the confidentiality of the information presented by authors, evaluators, and readers.
  • To maintain updated the guidelines and information for authors and evaluators in the website of the journal.

Duties and Responsibilities of Evaluators

  • To communicate promptly to the Editorial Team of the journal if they accept or not the revision request.
  • To declare any conflict of interest.
  • To evaluate articles objectively and impartially according to the procedure established by the journal.
  • To guarantee an anonymous revision and to respect the confidentiality of the manuscripts assigned for evaluation.
  • To refrain from using the content of the manuscripts submitted to the journal for their own benefit or for third parties.
  • To explain sufficiently each of the observations proposed in the manuscript under evaluation.
  • To communicate to the Editor any suspicion or proof of bad editorial practices (plagiarism, falsification of data, etc.)
  • To suggest the acceptance, rejection, or acceptance with modifications of the manuscripts, and to send their concept in the times established by the journal through the OJS.
  • In cases where it is deemed necessary, reviewers may use generative AI tools to review articles, committing to their use with responsibility and indicating their procedure in their report.

Data Exchange and Reproducibility

We actively encourage data sharing and reproducibility of published scientific results. Authors are encouraged to share the underlying data in a way that makes them accessible and verifiable for other researchers.

In the case of sensitive or ethically restricted data, authors are expected to provide a clear explanation of limitations and restrictions.

Intellectual Property

We respect the intellectual property rights of all authors and contributors. Authors should ensure that any material used in their work subject to copyright has the necessary permissions for reproduction. We also encourage authors to use open licenses and to share their work in a way that promotes collaboration and the advancement of scientific knowledge.

Clarification Requests

Authors and readers may request clarifications related to the editorial process. A reasoned and substantiated response will be provided to requests sent to the email address


For Revista CS, retraction processes are understood as a set of actions aimed at correcting the published scientific literature and not as an instrument to punish authors.

The following specific circumstances justify the retraction of published articles:

  • Methodological flaws: Errors in study design, data collection, or analysis that invalidate conclusions, problems with sample size, inadequate statistical methods, flawed control groups, or problems in data presentation.
  • Fabrication or falsification of data: Intentionally manipulating data to support a predetermined result, falsifying or altering images, or excluding conflicting results.
  • Plagiarism: Uncredited use of another author’s work, ideas, or data, including both word-for-word copying and paraphrasing without proper attribution.
  • Duplicate publication: Publishing the same research results in several journals.
  • Ethical violations: Non-compliance with research ethics protocols, such as problems with informed consent procedures, conflicts of interest or any other research ethics guidelines.

All retraction processes will follow the steps that provide full guarantees to the parties involved.

Information about possible cases that merit the retraction of published articles can be sent directly to  and should include as much information as possible, such as a description of the complaint, description or sending copies of the articles being reported, or any other information considered relevant.