Towards the Construction of a Proposal for the Political Training of Women, Born Through Struggle
Political training, Social organizations, Peasant women, Social movilizationAbstract
The current Colombian situation demands politically trained subjects prepared to face the challenges that the post-agreement era brings with it, and from a political standpoint, foster the construction of a culture of peace that encompasses a variety of contexts and human areas. This article aims to present research undertaken with the women of the «Organization for the Urban and Rural Development of the Cauca» (ORDEURCA for its acronym is Spanish). The primary goal of the project was to develop a framework for the pedagogical basis of a political training program that allows the women of ORDEURCA to share their experiences of political training and at the same time construct the training program that they desired. The project was undertaken utilizing an Action Research methodology and encompassed the development of three workshops, the analysis of a series of interviews with the women and the leaders of ORDEURCA, and the study of field journals produced from the training meetings in which they participated. From the information obtained, it was possible to identify the main pedagogical models and strategies, as well as the central themes and principles used in their training.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Luisa Medina, Carolina Calvache, María Camila Ruiz, Claudia Lorena Burbano
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