The influence of work engagement and trust in the tacit knowledge transfer: Proposal of a model




tacit knowledge, engagement, trust, mediation


This study aimed to explore the influence of work engagement and trust in tacit knowledge transfer. A model that suggests a relationship between these variables is proposed. A study of mixed methodology was carried out in a public transport company in Madeira Island, Portugal. A questionnaire to a sample of 202 workers was applied and 7 semi-structured interviews were conducted. The results confirm the facilitating role of work engagement in tacit knowledge transfer and that trust has a relevant mediating role in this relationship. Organizations that want to increase the sharing of tacit knowledge must promote an environment of trust and take care of the engagement of their workers.


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Research articles

How to Cite

The influence of work engagement and trust in the tacit knowledge transfer: Proposal of a model. (2021). Estudios Gerenciales, 37(161), 610-621.