Knowledge production in competitive regions: an approach based on a latent variable modeling


  • Henry Caicedo-Asprilla Profesor asociado, Departamento de Administración y Organizaciones, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.



function of knowledge production, innovation, structural equation modeling, partial least squares


This article proposes a function of knowledge production based on the measurement of non-observable variables, that provides a practical solution to methodological problems in this field of study. In this sense, a function of knowledge production is defined depending on human capital, research and development expenditure, spillovers, and the innovative environment. The function is estimated with the partial least squares path modeling technique, which allows measuring the effect of non-observable variables. It was possible to show that these constructs (latent variables) are reliable and significant; furthermore, it is concluded that this function correctly describes how knowledge is created and exploited in a region.


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How to Cite

Knowledge production in competitive regions: an approach based on a latent variable modeling. (2020). Estudios Gerenciales, 36(155), 177-192.