Distrinox, how to grow profitably?


  • Germán Castellanos Ordoñez Universidad Icesi




Market orientation, Customer management, Growth, Profitability


This case study aims to put into practice the customer management concept in a Colombian firm that imports and sells stainless steel to ensure its profitable growth. In order to achieve this goal, information about the market, the competitors, the company as well as its products and customers is provided for the reader to define actions regarding the products and services portfolio to grow profitably.



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Author Biography

  • Germán Castellanos Ordoñez, Universidad Icesi

    Assistant Professor, Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences, Icesi University, Cali, Colombia.


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Case studies

How to Cite

Distrinox, how to grow profitably?. (2018). Estudios Gerenciales, 34(146), 114-122. https://doi.org/10.18046/j.estger.2018.146.2805