International commercial relations, free trade agreements, China, Colombia, commercial policy, imports, exportsAbstract
After the reforms of the late 1970s, China achieved such a strong economic take-off that it was able to consolidate into one of today's most important markets worldwide, catching the attention of business people and researchers around the globe. In Colombia few studies have been conducted to examine commercial relations with China. In this respect, this paper provides a thorough review of statistical sources and bibliographical references, shedding light on the characteristics of and the factors affecting bilateral commercial relations. It shows that, although China is an important supplier of goods to Colombia, exports to that country remain below their potential, thus generating a huge commercial deficit. It also shows that Colombian exports to China focus on a limited number of products and, given the size and potential of the Chinese economy, Colombia should begin commercial negotiations with China for the purpose of signing a free trade agreement that would make it possible to increase trade between both countries.
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