CASE STUDY. FALLING UNDERWEAR (Article published in Spanish)


  • Ana María Arboleda Arango Psicóloga de la Universidad Javeriana; M.S. en Relaciones Industriales de Iowa State University; candidata a doctor en Administración de Tulane University. Profesora de tiempo completo en el departamento de Mercadeo de la Universidad Icesi. Investigadora adscrita al grupo de competitividad y productividad en las organizaciones.
  • Elsa María Coello C.
  • Gloria María Cuevas S.
  • Lina Marcela Gómez M.



Marketing research, Brief, formulating the research question, male underwear


The first step while exploring the possibility of doing marketing research is to understand the research problem. Within this case study the student deals with the situation presented for Diseños para EL Interior S.A., a company of the clothing industry in Colombia that manufactures men’s underwear. The case (Falling underwear) shows the most common process that marketing teams go through as they encounter negative brand performance, in this case a significant drop in sales (20% in a year). This is a natural situation given that each group member has his/her own brand experience, which enhances their own hypothesis; additionally each one has his/her own expectations from the results of a marketing research activity. After discussing experiences, hypothesis and perceptions, the team finally agrees to engage in a marketing research process. The case study suggests how this agreement leads to a brief in which the team contextualizes conditions the brand is facing, and explains research objectives and sample group. The reading offers information which enables the student to elaborate the brief demanding marketing research.


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Research articles

How to Cite

CASE STUDY. FALLING UNDERWEAR (Article published in Spanish). (2008). Estudios Gerenciales, 24(108), 147-167.