Public security policies in Medellin: readings about problem of in-security from the perspective of human security?
Public policy, Security, Human security, Problems of insecurity,Abstract
This article presents the main findings and interpretative proposals of the investigation: “Analysis of public security policy implemented by the municipal administration of Medellín, 2012-2013”. It begins by situating the analytical proposal of human security from below, a methodology which includes the interpretation of communities in Medellín affected by municipal government policies dealing with problems of insecurity. The most important research findings are then presented through three central ideas: firstly, the approach of the municipal government to the concept of human security, with findings demonstrating the discourse of a more mainstream and restricted approach to security; secondly, a divergence between government and communities in the definition of the problem of insecurity; and thirdly, the consequences for assuming a restricted focus in understanding and dealing with the problem of insecurity in Medellín. Finally, based on these findings, this article presents a number of general recommendations for insecurity intervention policy in the city.
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