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Presentación oral, conferencia pública, diseño de ayudas, habilidad de comunicaciónResumen
La capacidad para hablar en público es una habilidad esencial para administradores y otros profesionales. Sin embargo, muchas presentaciones son descritas como malas, aburridas, sin foco o incomprensibles. Uno de los principales errores es la falta de ayudas visuales que estén bien diseñadas; ejemplos comunes de ello son una excesiva cantidad de texto, el uso de fondos de bajo contraste, letras muy pequeñas para su lectura y el abuso de efectos artísticos, entre otros. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una revisión sistemática para responder la pregunta “¿Qué es una ayuda visual correctamente diseñada?”. Se encontró que, aplicando varios principios básicos y simples de diseño gráfico, es posible obtener ayudas visuales efectivas. Adicionalmente, se presentan varios ejemplos.
Abela, A.V. (2008). Advanced presentations by design. Creating communication that drives action (1a Ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pfeifer.
Anholt, R.R.H. (2006). Dazzle Em with Style: The art of oral scientific presentation (2a Ed.). Londres, UK: Elsevier, Inc.
Atkinson, M. (2005). Lend Me Your Ears: All You Need to Know about Making Speeches and Presentations (1a Ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Booher, D. (2003). Speak with confidence. Powerful presentations that inform, inspire and persuade (1a Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Booth, D., Shames, D. & Desberg, P. (2010). Own the room: business presentations that persuade, engage, and get results (1a Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Chambers, H. E. (2001). Effective communication skills for scientific and technical professional (1a Ed.). Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing.
Chivers, B. & Shoolbred, M. (2007). A student�s guide to presentations (1a Ed.). Londres: Sage.
Davis, M. (2005). Scientific papers and presentations (2a Ed.). Londres: Academic Press.
Duarte, N. (2008). Slide-ology: the art and science of creating great presentations (1a Ed.). Sebastopol, CA: OReilly Media.
Forsyth, P. (2009). The PowerPoint Detox. Reinvent your slides and add power to your presentation (1a Ed.). Londres: Kogan Page.
George-Palilonis, J. (2006). A practical guide to graphics reporting: information graphics for print, web & broadcast (1a Ed.). Burlington, MA: Focal Press.
Gerard, A. & Goldstein, B. (2005). Going visual: using images to enhance productivity, decision making and profits (1a Ed.). New Jersey, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Goodlad, S. (1996). Speaking Technically: A handbook for scientists, engineers, and physicians on how to improve technical presentations (1a Ed.). Londres: Imperial College Press.
Hashimoto, A. & Clayton, M. (2009). Visual design fundamentals, a digital approach. Boston, MA: Course Technology.
Kitchenham, B.A. (2004). Procedures for undertaking systematic reviews. Joint Technical Report, Computer Science Department, Keele University (TR/SE- 0401) and National ICT Australia Ltd. (0400011T.1).
Kitchenham, B.A. & Charters, S. (2007). Guidelines for performing systematic literature reviews in software engineering. Technical Report EBSE-2007-01.
Mandel, S. (2000). Effective presentation skills: a practical guide for better speaking. Boston, MA: Crisp publications.
Mills, H. (2007). Power Points! How to design and deliver presentations that sizzle and sell. New York, NY: American Management Association.
ORourke, J. (2008). The truth about confident presenting. New Jersey, NJ: Pearson Education.
Reynolds, G. (2008). Presentation Zen. Simple ideas on presentation design and delivery. Berkeley, CA: New Readers.
Siddons, S. (2008). The complete presentation skills handbook. How to understand and reach your audience for maximum impact and success. Londres: Kogan Page.
Sommerville, J. (2009). Rainmaking presentations. How to grow your business by leveraging your expertise. New York, NY: Palgrave McMillan.
Velásquez, J.D. & Franco, C.J. (2010). Predicción de los precios de contratos de electricidad usando una red neuronal con arquitectura dinámica. Innovar Journal, 20(36), 7-14.
Walters, D.E. & Walters, G.C. (2002). Scientist must speak: bringing presentations to life. Londres: Routledge.
Weissman, J. (2009). Presenting to win. The art of telling your story (2a Ed.). New Jersey, NJ: Pearson Education.
Williams, R. (2004). The non-designers design book. Design and typographic principles for the visual novice. Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press.
Zelanzny, G. (2001). Say it with charts. The executives guide to visual communication (4a ed.). Estados Unidos: McGraw-Hill.
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