Circular economy and tourism: scientific production in the light of social network analysis
Circular economy, Tourism, Scientific production, Web of SciencesAbstract
This study aims to investigate, through a social network analysis, the attributes and representativeness of Circular Economy (CE) and Tourism in the state-of-the-art of scientific production published in the Web of Science from 2017 to 2020. The results indicate a dispersion in all collaboration networks due to the low incidence of studies published internationally on both subjects. The most publicized matters were agritourism, sustainable development, sustainability, waste, tourist practices, environmental impacts, greenhouse gases, innovation, and hospitality. The study concludes with a contemporary view and brings to light data, information, and state-of-the-art knowledge through bibliometric indicators and social networks. It contributes to a better understanding of how those subjects were approached and disseminated at the global level by actors involved in building scientific knowledge, through their collaboration networks—which are preponderant to improve and strengthen such understanding—and through the dissemination and socialization of knowledge on the subjects assessed in this study. In short, the results contribute to position CE and Tourism research in the academic general debate and help minimize potential deficiencies and blind spots related to them.
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