
  • Faride Crespo Razeg Administradora de Empresas, Universidad Icesi, Colombia. Profesora, Departamento Gestión Organizacional, Universidad Icesi, Colombia. Grupo de Investigación “Competitividad y Mercadeo en las Organizaciones”, afiliado a la Universidad Icesi, Clasificación B de Colciencias.



Entrepreneurial social responsibility, corporate social responsibility, socially responsible practices


Because of the importance of the concept of social responsibility in the world of business and the lack of understanding and relation with practices, it is essential to attempt to understand this concept in order to define it, thus learning what actions can be implemented to be socially responsible. Therefore, this article is aimed at demonstrating two kinds of discussions that have been developed around this concept in a general manner. On the one hand, there is a review of what could be called conceptual or theoretical issues, and on the other hand, there is also a discussion of a series of studies conducted in Latin American countries, especially in Colombia. In consideration of the above, became a genealogy of the concept through a literature review, establishing the importance of the relation between the theoretical and the practice.


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Research articles

How to Cite

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: FROM THE CONCEPT TO THE PRACTICE (Article published in Spanish). (2010). Estudios Gerenciales, 26(117), 119-130.