Brand awareness in social networks: impact on the word of mouth


  • Cristian-Alejandro Rubalcava de León Estudiante doctorado en Ciencias Administrativas, Facultad de Comercio y Administración Victoria, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, Victoria, México.
  • Yesenia Sánchez-Tovar Profesor-Investigador, Facultad de Comercio y Administración Victoria, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, Victoria, México.
  • Mónica-Lorena Sánchez-Limón Profesor Investigador, Facultad de Comercio y Administración Victoria, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, Victoria, México.



social networks, brand awareness, word of mouth, information quality, virtual interactivity


The objective of this article is to identify the determinants of brand awareness and its impact on word-of-mouth communication. The study was carried out by using the structural equations technique that collects data from a survey applied to a validated sample of 208 social network users in Mexico. The results confirm a positive and significant effect of the quality of the information on brand awareness, and the direct effect of brand awareness on the word of mouth is demonstrated. These results will allow companies to identify the necessary elements for building loyalty and the process to attract new customers.


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How to Cite

Brand awareness in social networks: impact on the word of mouth. (2019). Estudios Gerenciales, 35(152), 313-320.