Occupational stress, Pressure Management Indicator, Mexican CIO’s, Organizational Human Development.Abstract
Objective.- Identify sources of pressure, individual differences and effects of stress in Mexican CIO’s of enterprises with the Pressure Management Indicator (PMI).
Method.- Descriptive research, no experimental design, with 41 participants. It was used a questionnaire integrated with 111 items using Likert scale.
Findings.- Mexican executives work around 53 hours per week and they do not consider it as a source of pressure. However, they consider personal responsibility, daily hassles, recognition and home/work balance as a cause of it. Evidence shows that Mexican CIO’s do not pay attention to organizational climate and do not receive social support as a help to cope work stress.
Subject.- Identify sources of pressure, individual differences and effects of stress in Mexican executives with the Pressure Management Indicator (PMI).
Method.-Descriptive research, no experimental design, with 41 participants. It was used a questionnaire integrated with 111 items using Likert scale.
Results.- Mexican executives work around 53 hours per week and they do not consider it as a source of pressure, but it is personal responsibility, daily hassles, recognition and home/work balance. They don’t pay any attention to organizational climate and don’t use s9cial support to cope occupational stress.
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