
  • Patricia Mercado Salgado Ph.D en Administración en Administración por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – UAEMéx-. Maestría en Administración en la UAEMéx. Profesora e investigadora de la UAEMéx. México.
  • Patricia García Hernández Ingeniera en Agrónomía Fitotecnista. Maestría en Administración en la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México - UAEMéx-. Jefe del Departamento de Desarrollo Empresarial de la UAEMéx. México.



Entrepreneurial social responsibility, quality of life in the workplace


In a global economy where there is still a predominant attitude of rejection towards social responsibility, the entrepreneurial sector can no longer continue to neglect the need to embrace this commitment as a means for achieving both internal and external benefits. Therefore, the purpose of this exploratory non-experimental research is to describe the social responsibility of a non-probabilistic sample of 31 companies based in the Valley of Toluca in Mexico in terms of four aspects, i.e. business ethics, environmental preservation, quality of life in the workplace, and the link between the companies and society. The results of this research reveal that these companies are now in the initial stages of developing a philanthropic orientation in which there is an external perception of the willingness on the part of upper management and shareholders as a factor that could support the embracing of social responsibility. Further similar studies should be conducted in the future using larger sample sizes and incorporating financial performance. 


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Research articles

How to Cite

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN VALLE DEL TOLUCA (MEXICO) ENTERPRISES. AN EXPLORATORY STUDY (Article published in Spanish). (2007). Estudios Gerenciales, 23(102), 119-138.