new employment sources, care of infants, generation/creation of employment, Valle del Cauca, ColombiaAbstract
Using the New Employment Sources approach, in this article an evaluation is carried out of the potential employment created in the activity of looking after infants (0 – 4 years) in the Valle del Cauca department of Colombia, by means of two alternatives: a) the number of potential jobs created through people employed in the home, or in child-care centers, and b) the number of potential jobs created for personnel in institutions outside the home, and who are specialized in primary education and child care. The calculations, taking into account only the infant population whose mothers or fathers have expressed dissatisfaction regarding their care, show a potential for the creation of 25,356 new jobs for workers in the home, or in child-care institutions, and a total of 4,057 positions for personnel in initial education and child-care centers.
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