
  • Rodrigo Varela Villegas Director, Centro de Desarrollo de Espíritu Empresarial, Universidad Icesi, Colombia.
  • Ana Carolina Martínez Romero Directora Recursos Educativos, Centro de Desarrollo de Espíritu Empresarial, Universidad Icesi, Colombia
  • Alba Tatiana Peña Guevara Joven Investigadora, Centro de Desarrollo de Espíritu Empresarial, Universidad Icesi, Colombia.




Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial education, entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial competencies


This article presents and analyzes the results, for Colombia, of a cross-cultural research study of entrepre­neurial intentions conducted between Gasse and Tremblay (2009) at the University of Laval in Canada and professors at Icesi University, based on a review of samples of students from Canada, France, Tunisia, and Colombia. In the case of Colombia, a review was conducted of the per­ceptions, values, and attitudes of undergraduate students taking man­datory and elective Entrepreneurship courses at Icesi University in the first semester of 2009. The results make it possible to evaluate the students’ behaviors in relation to the entre­preneurial process and provide the basis of conclusions relative to the educational process implemented at Icesi University.


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Research articles

How to Cite

ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTIONS OF STUDENTS AT ICESI UNIVERSITY (Article published in Spanish). (2011). Estudios Gerenciales, 27(119), 169-186. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0123-5923(11)70162-0